Queen Esther Band of Cherubim and Seraphim Church of Georgia was named after Hadassah who was a Jew by birth. She was described as beautiful, intelligent, obedient, selfless, compassionate, bold, courageous, humble, patient, and spiritual.
She grew up as an Orphan as she was raised by her cousin Mordechai. When she entered the king’s harem, she was given the name “Esther ” meaning Myrtle which symbolizes peace, joy, generosity, and justice. Biblically, Esther means “the star”.
Queen Esther risked her life so that her people might have life. It was through her Intercession that God saved her people (the Jews). When she was notified that it has been decided that all the Jews would be extinct from the land. She decided to call on a power greater than the king’s “God Almighty”. She instructed Mordechai to have the Jews fast and pray on her behalf before she approached her husband (king Ahasuerus) to plead for the life of her people.
“Go, gather all the Jews that are present in Susa, and observe a fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids also will fast in the same way. And so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. (Esther 4:16).
The hallmark qualities possessed by Queen Esther made her a model for all women e.i someone to emulate.
As Queen Esther Band, we have taken it upon ourselves to use the blessings given by God to help others. To always do the right thing using our spiritual influence to help others like our mentor ‘Queen Esther’ did.
Meeting Details & Other Activities
We usually meet every last Friday of the month at 8pm for prayer and deliberations on our church prayer line:
(952)222-1750 | Access code: 770-270#
God bless you! Ayo ni o!